Statements UAE: AVTUAE participated in the NGO briefing before the initial review of UAE by the committee against torture 12th July 2022
Statements Communiqué: The United Arab Emirates examined by the UN Committee against Torture at its 74th session 11th July 2022
CampaignsNews & CommentStatements Open Letter – UAE: Freedom of expression must be upheld at all times, not only tolerated during Hay Festival Abu Dhabi 24th February 2020
News & CommentStatements Human Rights Day: As the Year of Tolerance comes to an end, no effective improvement in the UAE’s human rights record 10th December 2019
News & CommentStatements The World Tolerance Summit: The UAE celebrates tolerance to keep human rights off the radar 13th November 2019
CampaignsNews & CommentStatements Open letter to the United Arab Emirates calling for the release of prominent lawyer and human rights defender Dr Mohammed Al-Roken 12th November 2019
CampaignsNews & CommentStatements “Don’t’ whitewash the UAE’s gross human rights abuses”: NGOs call on World Tolerance Summit speakers to cancel their participation 28th October 2019
CampaignsStatementsVideos The AVTUAE’s campaign in Geneva draws attention to mass violations amid the UAE’s efforts to whitewash its human rights record 21st October 2019
CampaignsStatements AVTUAE and ICFUAE address an open letter to Trevor Noah and call upon him to cancel his visit to the UAE 18th October 2019